Saturday, December 04, 2004

It's just Business

"It's nothing personal." "It's just business." Usually said in response to an action which were it done by an individual would be at the least frowned upon or at the most criminal.

Business has no morals, no ethics, no reponsibility to society or the planet. It's just business. It's role is to make a profit.

If that means another business has to be shut down, so be it. If that means employees are paid slave wages, so be it. If that means employees have to access health care through state welfare agencies supplemented by U.S. taxpayers, so be it. If that means parts of the planet are destroyed, so be it. It's just business.

If banks are closed and people lose their retirement and life-time savings, so be it. If a business files bankruptcy causing its employees to lose their retirement and life-time savings, so be it. If a business wants to sell a product which harms or kills people, so be it. It's just business. It's nothing personal.

If businesses want to destroy culture or economies, so be it. It's just business. And while we're at it, let's give them a tax break for destroying cultures, economies, individual's lives and health, for creating working poor and costing U.S. taxpayers billions in tax money. It's just business. It's nothing personal.

Wal-Mart vs. the Pyramids

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