Friday, November 17, 2006

How the Right Wing will Attack Nancy Pelosi, Madam Speaker

Every "mistake" she makes will be analyzed ad nauseum; every success will be glossed over or framed as a loss.

Every move she makes will be analyzed down to dots on 'i's and crosses on 't's.

Pictures will show her in the worst light. She will look "tired," "angry" or small.

Her choices for office furniture, clothes, hairstyle, makeup and diet will be discussed ad nauseum.

There will be comments about her "looking tired" in order to suggest the job is too much for her.

Anytime she has a disagreement with another woman it will be called a "cat-fight" or words to invoke the image of cat-fight.

Her tone of voice will be frequently described as angry, shrill, hysterical or grating rather than passionate, firm, etc.

If she is persistent on an issue she will be described as being stubborn, pugnacious, unbending, unyielding rather than focused, persistent, determined, etc.

If she does compromise she'll be labeled weak, inefficient, wishy-washy, etc.

And, finally, she will be responsible for single-handedly "feminizing" the Democratic Party and liberals.

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