Friday, November 26, 2004

Big Brother - Watching You in the U.S.

More and more people in the great old U.S. of A. are coming to the realization that our government may not be the innocuous, bumbling giant we've all grown to love and cherish.

The federal government of the U.S. in partnership, or perhaps, under influence from corporate capitalism, is taking us closer to the day when the individual right to privacy will no longer exist; even in theory.

"Discovery Times Channel Explores Private and Government Surveillance in America in SOMEONE'S WATCHING"

... "In SOMEONE'S WATCHING, viewers go inside this "brave new world" of
surveillance in America: a world in which they can be watched, tracked and
listened to at home, at work, by the government and even by private database
companies. This documentary takes a hard look at the balancing act in America
between competing interests of convenience, security and privacy." ...

Discovery Times Channel Explores Private and Government Surveillance in America in SOMEONE'S WATCHING

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